Purdue Agronomy Extension Department of Agronomy School of Agriculture Purdue University Purdue Agronomy Department Purdue University

Ellsworth Christmas
Agronomy Department
915 W. State St.
Purdue Univ.
W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

While tobacco is grown in the southern areas of Indiana, little production information on tobacco is available at Purdue University. The following are links to sites at other institutions that offer information on the production and management of tobacco and its pests.

{short description of image} Some of the linked documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader, a freeware program that 'reads' PDF (Portable Document Format) files.

Kentucky Web sites

Tobacco Economics Online
This site provides background information and research on tobacco policy and management, presents data and graphics dealing with the Kentucky and U.S. tobacco economy and identifies other internet sites such as farm organizations, media sources, and government agencies associated with the tobacco industry.
Kentucky Blue Mold Warning System
This site provides timely advice about blue mold management in tobacco and other infectious diseases.
Kentucky Pest News
This newsletter provides timely updates and controls for pest problems (insects, diseases, and weeds) important to tobacco and other crop production.

Kentucky references

The U.S. Tobacco Program: How It Works and Who Pays For It (AEC-82)
William M. Snell, Univ. of Kentucky
Overview of Kentucky's Tobacco Economy (AEC-83)
Will Snell and Stephan Goetz, Univ. of Kentucky
One-Tier Plastic-Covered Tobacco Curing Structure -- Tier Rail Design (AEN-74) {short description of image}
George Duncan, Univ. of Kentucky
2-Tier Air-Cure Tobacco Barn (AEN-76) {short description of image}
George Duncan, Univ. of Kentucky
Tobacco Harvesting Practices (AEN-78) {short description of image}
George Duncan, Univ. of Kentucky
High-Tensile Wire or Cable Tobacco Field Curing Structure
George Duncan, Univ. of Kentucky
Harvesting, Curing, and Preparing Dark-Fired Tobacco for Market
Bill Maksymowicz, Univ. of Kentucky
Harvesting, Curing, and Preparing Dark Air-Cured Tobacco for Market
Bill Maksymowicz, Univ. of Kentucky
Dark Tobacco Sucker Control
Bill Maksymowicz, Univ. of Kentucky
Selecting a Tobacco Transplant Production System
Bill Maksymowicz and Gary Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Tobacco Transplant Production: Plug and Transfer System
Bill Maksymowicz and Gary Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Tobacco Management: Optimizing Profits
Bill Maksymowicz and Gary Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Selecting the Right Fertilizer for Tobacco Transplant Production in Float Systems
R.C. Pearce and G.K. Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Water Quality Guidelines for Tobacco Float Systems
R.C. Pearce and G.K. Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Low-Cost Post-Row Field Tobacco Curing Framework
G. A. Duncan and Steve Isaacs, Univ. of Kentucky
A Cost Comparison of Three 10-Acre Tobacco Transplant Production Systems
Brad Gross, Steve Isaacs, and Gary Palmer, Univ. of Kentucky
Management of Tobacco Float Systems
B. Pearce, G. Palmer, W. Nesmith, and L. Townsend, Univ. of Kentucky

Tennessee references

Tobacco Pest Control (SP-91) {short description of image}
Gene Burgess, Professor, and Charles Hadden, Professor and Leader, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Univ. of Tennessee (Knoxville)
Black Root Rot of Tobacco (SP 277-S) {short description of image}
Charles H. Hadden, Professor and Leader, and Steven Bost, Professor Entomology and Plant Pathology Diseases, Univ. of Tennessee (Knoxville)
Black Shank of Tobacco (SP 277-Q) {short description of image}
Charles Hadden, Professor and Leader, Entomology and Plant Pathology Steven Bost, Professor, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Univ. of Tennessee (Knoxville)
The Field Curing Structure: An Alternative Curing Facility for Tobacco (SP 447) {short description of image}
James T. Matthews and Don Fowlkes, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Tennessee (Knoxville)

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