What Is Manure Management Planner?

Manure Management Planner (MMP) is a Windows-based computer program developed at Purdue University that's used to create manure management plans for crop and animal feeding operations. The user enters information about the operation's fields, crops, storage, animals, and application equipment. MMP helps the user allocate manure (where, when and how much) on a monthly basis for the length of the plan (1-10 years). This allocation process helps determine if the current operation has sufficient crop acreage, seasonal land availability, manure storage capacity, and application equipment to manage the manure produced in an environmentally responsible manner. MMP is also useful for identifying changes that may be needed for a non-sustainable operation to become sustainable, and determine what changes may be needed to keep an operation sustainable if the operation expands.

MMP currently supports 37 states by automatically generating fertilizer recommendations and estimating manure N availability based on each state's Extension and/or NRCS guidelines.

If you have questions about MMP, please contact the authors.

If you have agronomic questions, please contact:

  Dr. Brad Joern
  Agronomy Dept.
  Lilly Hall of Life Sciences
  915 W. State Street
  Purdue University
  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

  Phone:   (765) 494-9767
  FAX:     (765) 496-2926
  E-mail:  bjoern@purdue.edu
If you have software questions, please contact:
  Phil Hess
  Agronomy Dept.
  Lilly Hall of Life Sciences
  915 W. State Street
  Purdue University
  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

  Phone:   (765) 494-8050
  FAX:     (765) 496-2926
  E-mail:  pjhess@purdue.edu
If you can't reach either of these authors, please contact:
  Brad Eisenhauer
  Agronomy Dept.
  Lilly Hall of Life Sciences
  915 W. State Street
  Purdue University
  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

  E-mail:  eisenhau@purdue.edu

Last updated: Nov. 23, 2011

Copyright © 2011 Purdue Research Foundation