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On-Farm Research Protocols
Listed below are on-farm research protocols for several economically important agronomic topics. Growers and/or consultants interested in participating in one or more of these trials are encouraged to read the protocol(s), then contact the listed Extension specialist for more details and assistance.
While the exact details for each on-farm research project may be negotiable, potential cooperators are strongly encouraged to follow the suggested protocols closely. Doing so helps us aggregate the results from all the cooperating farmers much more easily than if folks head off in different directions with their on-farm research. The power is in the aggregation, not simply what happens in individual fields.
Farmers and consultants who have ideas for other on-farm research trials are encouraged to contact any of us for help in developing statistically sound protocols and conducting analysis of data collected from the trials.
- Soybean Seeding Rate Trials
- Shaun Casteel (Purdue Agronomy)
Extension Agronomist
- Shaun Casteel (Purdue Agronomy)
- Soybean Row Spacing Trials
- Shaun Casteel (Purdue Agronomy)
Extension Agronomist
- Shaun Casteel (Purdue Agronomy)
- Corn Seeding Rate Trials
- Dan Quinn and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)
Extension Agronomists,
- Dan Quinn and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)
- Nitrogen Rate Trials for Corn
- Jim Camberato and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)
Extension Agronomists,
- Jim Camberato and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)
- Sulfur Fertilizer Trials for Corn
- Jim Camberato and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)
Extension Agronomists,
- Jim Camberato and Bob Nielsen (Purdue Agronomy)