Manure Nutrient Availability Calculator

Instructions for Using the Calculator

Once you've selected the state and county you can begin entering manure and application data. If you checked the Load example for selected state box when you selected the state, the calculator skips the county selection and loads an example for the selected state. You can try out the calculator by changing the example data. When you're ready to enter your own data, click the Restart button, then select your state and county.

At a minimum fill in the columns that are flagged with an asterisk (*). These columns are required to calculate your state's nutrient availability. Note that a required checkbox column should just be left unchecked if that item is not present or does not apply.

Columns flagged with a cross () are optional but may result in a more accurate estimate if entered. If you have the data for optional columns, it's a good idea to enter the data even though it may not be required.

Unflagged columns are not used by your state to estimate nutrient availability. You can fill in the unflagged columns if you want for completeness, but the values you enter in these columns will not affect the results.

Once you've filled in a table, click the Next button to proceed to the next table. At any time you can click the Back button to return to the previous table (note this is not the same as clicking your browser's "Back" button) or the Restart button to start over with the calculator. If available, you can click the Calculate button to calculate and display the results without proceeding to the next table. If you need more rows in the Field/Application table, click the Add Rows button after entering the number of additional rows you want to add (the default is 3).

When you're all done entering data and have the results you want, you may want to print a report (see the printing tips below). You can also click the Download Plan button to save your data as an MMP plan file on your local computer. This plan file can be opened by the current version of MMP.

Operation Name

Enter the name of the farm operation.

Manure Information

Animal Type Select the type of animal that produced the manure.

Bedding Check this box if the manure contains bedding materials.

Manure Analysis Total N Enter the total N value from the lab analysis. With liquid and slurry manure, enter the value in pounds per 1000 gallons. With solid manure, enter the value in pounds per ton.

Tip: If your lab analysis reports nutrient concentration in parts per million (ppm), you'll need to convert each analysis value to pounds using one of these equations:

Liquid manure lbs/1000 gallons = ppm x 0.00834
Solid manure lbs/ton = ppm x 0.002

If your lab analysis reports nutrient concentration as a percent by weight (%), convert the analysis to pounds using one of these equations:

Liquid manure lbs/1000 gallons = % x 83.4
Solid manure lbs/ton = % x 20

Note that this assumes that the density of liquid manure is similar to that of water (about 8.3 pounds per gallon).

Manure Analysis NH4-N Enter the NH4-N or ammonium N value from the lab analysis.

Manure Analysis Total P2O5 Enter the total P2O5 value from the lab analysis.

Manure Analysis Total K2O Enter the total K2O value from the lab analysis.

Tip: With P and K, the manure analysis must be entered as P2O5 and K2O. If your lab analysis reports the concentration of elemental P and K, you'll need to convert the analysis using these equations:

P2O5 = 2.3 x P
K2O = 1.2 x K

% DM Enter the manure's percent dry matter from the lab analysis. Some labs may report this as percent solids. Other labs may report only percent moisture. If you know the manure's percent moisture, its percent dry matter is (100 - % moisture).

Manure Storage Select the type of storage where the manure was collected and stored.

Field/Application Information

Field ID Enter a field ID for each field.

Subfield Optionally, you can enter a subfield ID for each field if a field has been subdivided into subfields.

Predominant Soil Type Select the field's predominant soil type. The pick list contains all soils for the county you selected earlier.

Each soil description in the list is made up of four pieces of information, as in this example:

Beaucoup SIL (Bb 0-2%)

In this example, Beaucoup is the soil's component name, SIL is the soil's surface texture, Bb is the soil's map unit symbol, and 0-2% is the soil's slope range.

Tip: Click the Soil Info button to generate a report with information on all soils in the county.

% OM Enter the field's organic matter content from a soil test.

Irrigated w/ Water Check this box if the field is irrigated with water.

Drained Check this box if the field is artificially drained (tile or ditch drainage).

Manure Application Month Select the month that manure is applied. For July and August applications, indicate whether the application follows a harvested crop, such as a small grain, and targets the following year's crop (before planting), or whether the manure is applied to a standing crop, such as corn (after planting).

Manure Application Equipment Select the type of equipment used to apply the manure.

Manure Application Rate Enter the manure application rate in the indicated units.

Days To Incorp. If surface applied, enter the number of days before the manure will be incorporated. For example, if the manure will be incorporated the same day it is applied, enter 0; if the manure will be incorporated the day after it is applied, enter 1; etc. If surface-applied manure won't be incorporated, or if the manure will be injected or irrigated, leave this column blank even if it's flagged as a required column.

Targeted Crop Select the field's planned crop. This is assumed to be the crop that will utilize the manure's nutrients.

Previous Crop Select the field's previous crop.

Note: If a cover crop will be planted between the previous year's crop and the targeted crop, select the cover crop as the previous crop.

Nutrient Availability

The nutrient availability for your input data is listed in the N, P2O5 and K2O columns in both lbs per 1000 gal or ton and lbs/acre. If the indicated Source below the table is linked to a Web site, you can click on the link to view the source that MMP used in estimating nutrient availability.

Tips on Printing Calculator Results

When you reach the final table of the calculator, you may want to print the input data and results. Here are some tips for producing high-quality printed output.
  1. Make sure you're in the final table of the calculator (Next button is no longer displayed).

  2. Print the page in landscape. With Internet Explorer, select File | Page Setup, then click Landscape under Orientation. With Mozilla, select File | Page Setup, then click Landscape under Format on the Format & Options tab.

  3. Print the page with background colors turned on so you'll see the column dividers in the tables. With Internet Explorer, select Tools | Internet Options, then click the Advanced tab and check the box labeled "Print background colors and images". With Mozilla, check the Print Background box on the Format & Options tab under File | Page Setup.

  4. Adjust the page margins if you want more or less white space around the edges of the printed page. With Internet Explorer, select File | Page Setup to see and change the margin settings. With Mozilla, select File | Page Setup, then click the Margins & Header/Footer tab to see and change the margin settings.