The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture provides an important link between research-based agricultural information and those individuals directly involved with the production and marketing of agricultural products in the U.S. The state Extension small grains specialists listed in this directory, usually located at land-grant colleges and universities, are responsible for educational programming relative to small grain production and management issues within their respective states. Many of these individuals also conduct applied field research on important small grain production topics.
Select states from the following dropdown menus or scroll down the page to find the state of interest.
Department Head and Plant Pathologist
Idaho Falls Research & Extension Center
University of Idaho
1776 Science Center Drive Suite 205
Idaho Falls, ID 83660-9637
Tel: 208-529-8376
Web: SC & SE Idaho Extension Cereals Program
Department of Agronomy
Throckmorton Hall
Kansas State University
1712 Claflin Rd
Manhattan, KS 66506
Tel: 785-532-0397
FAX: 785-532-6094
Mobile: 785-477-4644
Web: Wheat Production
Twitter: @KSUWheat