Purdue Hydrology

Lakes and Wetlands parameterization for the NEESPI domain

Original lake and wetland algorithm

File Format

The parameter files for lakes and wetland specification in VIC have varied a bit during the development phase of the lake and wetland algorithm, such that there are small diferences between the format required for the model code used for Bowling and Lettenmaier (2010) and that specified in the current release version of VIC.

Bowling and Lettenmaier (2010):

Line 1: [gridcell no.] [no. nodes] [min. depth for runoff] [width fraction] [starting depth] [contributing frac]

Line 2: [depth 1] [fractional area 1] ... [depth n] [fractional area n], where n = no. nodes and depth 1 = lake and wetland max. depth

VIC Release version 4.1.2:

Line 1: [gridcell no.] [lake_idx] [no. nodes] [min. depth for runoff] [width fraction] [starting depth] [contributing frac]

Line 2: [depth 1] [fractional area 1] ... [depth n] [fractional area n], where lake_idx is the index of the grid cell vegetation type from the vegetation parameter file that will be used as wetland vegetation when surface water is not at maximum extent (previously defaulted to zero in Bowling and Lettenmaier (2010)).

Both files describe lake model parameters that are fixed in time, but can vary in space by grid cell: the minimum depth for runoff out of the lake (zmin), the channel width fraction (f), the fraction of the surrounding vegetation types that drains to the lake and wetland tile (alpha) and the depth-fractional area curve, A(z). The depth-fractional area curve varies from the maximum depth of the combined lake and wetland area (Zmax) and the fraction of the grid cell covered by water at maximum extent (Amax) to 0.0, 0.0. (A bottom depth, area pair of 0.0, 0.0 is assumed by the model.) The number of nodes simply controls how many depth area pairs will be read in, it does not control the number of computational layers.

Parameter Estimation

Parameter files for the NEESPI domain were created following the methodology used by Bowling and Lettenmaier (2010) which requires a landcover classification that includes both open water and wetland land classes, a digital elevation model (DEM) and available databases regarding lake depth distributions. 

The physical description of the pond and wetland extent, A(z), for each model grid cell consists of five components:

The channel width fraction (f) can take on values from 0.0 to 1.0 and 0.0 to 0.5, respectively. Future work may refine a methodology for specification of a priori spatial distributions of f and alpha.


The lake and wetland parameter estimation described above was originally done using Arc/Info:

Lakes and wetlands with subsurface moisture exchange

File Format

In order to allow subsurface water exchange between surface water bodies and their adjacent wetlands, the hydraulic gradient between the wetland and surface water is calculated using the TOPMODEL storage deficit approach and a drained to equilibrium soil moisture profile. This solution requires both the average generalized topographic index and the average topographic slope of the fractional area between node i and i+1.

Bowling et al. (2010):

Line 1: [gridcell no.] [lake_idx] [no. nodes] [runoff depth] [width fraction] [starting depth] [contributing frac]

Line 2: [depth 1] [fractional area 1] [topoindex 1] [tanbeta 1] ... [depth n] [fractional area n] [topoindex n] [tanbeta n], where n = no. nodes and depth 1 = lake and wetland max. depth

Parameter Estimation

Subsurface exchange parameter files for the NEESPI domain were created following an adaptation of the above methodology. First, the bathymetry of wetland areas is derived using the distribution of the generalized topographic index for each grid cell: The complete parameter file is created by merging the lake and wetland descriptions:


Click on the images below to download new style lake parameter files for the NEESPI domain.

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