Green House Project - a web site devoted to the changes (large and small) you can make to your home to be more environmentally friendly, with a focus on water conservation and reuse.
Wetland Restoration Project - as a group we are working to restore the wetland in the southwest corner of the Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) to something closer to its original state and monitoring the changes.
Mapping and analysis of the hydrologic impact of subsurface drainage of agricultural fields in Indiana, Purdue Agricultural Research Programs (Collaborators: L. Bowling, B. Naz)
Carbon exchanges over the organic soils of the Kankakee floodplain: can water management manage the carbon exchange?, Purdue Center for the Environment (Collaborators: R. Grant (PI), L. Bowling, J. Frankenberger, C. Johnston, D. Niyogi, L. Theller )