Purdue University



Thesis and Dissertation

Refereed Publications

Refereed Journals

Extension Publications




Thesis and Dissertation:

  1. Owens, P.R. 2001. Inferring oxygen status in soils using iron metal rods. Ph.D. Dissertation. Texas A&M University Library.
  2. Owens, P.R., 1997. Occurrence of free-water and filter field performance in an Aquic Hapludult. M.S. Thesis. University of Arkansas Library.

Refereed Publications:

Book Chapters:

  1. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, C.A. Roark, M.A. Gross, D.C. Wolf, and R.W. McNew. 1997. Long-term effluent absorption rates of a serially loaded septic tank filter field. In Site Characterization and Design of On-Site Septic Systems. ASTM STP 1324. M.S. Bedinger, A.I. Johnson, and J.S. Fleming, (eds.). ASTM. West Conshohocken, PA.
  2. Rutledge, E.M., P.R. Owens, R.L. Goff, M.A. Gross, T. Brumbelow, and D.C. Wolf. 1997. Performance of septic systems designed for soil morphology. In Site Characterization and Design of On-Site Septic Systems. ASTM STP 1324. M.S. Bedinger, A.I. Johnson, and J.S. Fleming, (eds.). ASTM. West Conshohocken, PA.
  3. Owens, P.R. and E.M. Rutledge. 2003. Soil morphology. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science in the Environment. Elsevier Publishing Oxford England. pp. 511-520.
  4. Schulze, D.G., R. R. Struthers, P.R. Owens and George E. Van Scoyoc. 2007. Teaching Soil-Landscape Interactions Using Rugged Tablet PCs in the Field. In D.A. Berque, J. C. Prey, R. H. Reed, (eds.) The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-Based Technology on Education: Beyond the Tipping Point. pp. 119-127. Purdue University Press. ISBN: 1557534616.

Refereed Journals:

  1. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, S.C. Osier, and M.A. Gross. 2000. The relationship of soils containing liquefaction features and redoximorphic features to perched seasonal water tables in the lower Mississippi River Valley. Quaternary International 78:45-52.
  2. Drees, L.R. L.P Wilding. P.R. Owens, B. Wu, H. Perrotto and H. Sierra. 2003. Steepland resources; characteristics, stability and micromorphology. Catena 54, 3:619-636.
  3. Iqbal, J., J.A. Thomasson, J. N. Jenkins, P. R. Owens, and F. D. Whisler. 2005. Spatial variability analysis of soil physical properties of alluvial soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1338-1350.
  4. Owens, P.R., L.P. Wilding, L. M. Lee, B.E. Herbert. 2005. Evaluation of platinum electrodes and three Eh standards to determine electrode quality. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:1541-1550.
  5. Miles, D.M., P.R. Owens, and D.E. Rowe. 2006. Spatial variability of litter gaseous flux within a commercial broiler house: ammonia, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane. Poultry science Journal. 85:167-172.
  6. Adeli, A., F.M. Bala, D.E. Rowe, P.R. Owens. 2006. Effects of drying intervals and repeated rain events on runoff nutrient dynamics from soil treated with broiler litter. Journal of sustainable agriculture. 28:67-83.
  7. Iqbal, J., P.R. Owens and I. Ali. 2006. Application of remote sensing data to assess weed infestation in cotton. Agriculture Journal 1:186-191.
  8. Smith, D.R., P.R. Owens, A.B. Leytem and E.A. Warnemuende. 2007. Nutrient losses from manure and fertilizer applications as impacted by time to first runoff event. Environmental Pollution.147:131-137.
  9. Armstrong, S.D., D.R. Smith, and P.R. Owens. 2007. Strategies to reduce nutrient losses from land applied animal manure. Water Practice. 1:4. Available On-Line at: 
    http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/wef/wp  (5/21/2007).
  10. Miles, D. M., D.E. Rowe and P.R. Owens. 2007. Winter Broiler Litter Gases and Nitrogen Compounds: Temporal and Spatial Trends. Atmospheric Environment (accepted 28 Nov 2006, Available online 15 February 2007) doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.11.056.
  11. Hart, K.S., B. D. Lee, P. S. Schoeneberger, D. P. Franzmeier, P. R. Owens and D.R. Smith. 2008. Comparison of field saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements to estimated morphological loading rates in Northeastern Indiana. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 13:8 665-670.
  12. Dozier, W.A., M.T. Kidd, A. Corzo, P.R. Owens and S.L. Branton. 2008. Live performance and environmental impact of broiler chickens fed diets varying in amino acids and phytase. Animal Feed Science and Technology Journal. 141: 92-103.
  13. Lin, H.S., J. Bouma, P.R. Owens, and M. Vepraskas. 2008. Hydropedology: Fundamental Issues and Practical Applications. Catena 73:151-152.
  14. Owens, P.R., L.P. Wilding, W.M. Miller and R.W. Griffin. 2008. Using iron metal rods to infer oxygen status in seasonally saturated soils. Catena 73:197-203.
  15. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato, B.D. Lee, D.E. Anderson and D.R. Smith. 2008. Potassium fertility and terrain attributes in a Fragiudalf drainage catena. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:1311-1320.
  16. Miles, D.M., P.R. Owens, P.A. Moore, Jr. and D.E. Rowe. 2008. Instrumentation for evaluating differences in ammonia volatilization from broiler litter and cake. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 17:340-347.
  17. Franzmeier, D.P. and P.R. Owens. 2008. Quantitative evaluation of students’ estimate of soil texture. JNRLSE 37:111-116.
  18. Iqbal, J., J. A. Thomasson, P. R. Owens, and I. Ali. 2008. Corn yield estimation with different soil inputs in DSSAT-AEGISWIN environment. Agriculture Systems Journal. – Submitted.
  19. Iqbal, J. and P.R. Owens. 2008. Cotton yield variability analysis with crop modeling. Journal of Applied Ecology. – Submitted.
  20. Iqbal, J., P.R. Owens and F.D. Whisler. Analysis of NDVI spatial variability across multiple growth stages of cotton crop. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment Journal. – Submitted.
  21. Owens, P.R., R.A. Cohen, J. Iqbal, D.R. Smith and J.J. Read. Spatial distribution of soil phosphorus and copper following long-term broiler litter applications. Environmental Pollution – Submitted.
  22. Armstrong, S.D., D.R. Smith, P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern and C. Williams. 2009. Manure spills in streams: current practices and remediation methods to minimize water quality degradation. Sustainable Agriculture Journal. – Accepted.
  23. Farley, A.L., P.R. Owens, Z. Libohova, X.B. Wu, S.A. Archer, and L.P. Wilding. 2009.  Using GIS as a tool to explore the interaction of vertic soils and surface hydrology in South Texas Playa-Wetland Systems.  Journal of Arid Lands Research. Submitted.
  24. Basu, N.B., P.S.C. Rao, H.E. Winzeler, S. Kumar. P.R. Owens, and V. Merwade. 2009. Identification of dominant controls on hydrologic responses in engineered watersheds: hydrograph prediction without calibration. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Journal. Submitted.
  25. Smith, D.R. and P.R. Owens. 2009. Impact of time to first rainfall event on greenhouse gas emissions following manure applications. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. Submitted.
  26. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee, J. Iqbal, K. Hart, D.R. Smith and P.J. Schoeneberger. 2009. Quantifying pedogenesis: soil properties and terrain attributes on a low-relief till plain. Catena Journal. Submitted.
  27. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato and D.R. Smith. Using pedochemical redistribution to understand topographical influences in a Fragiudalf - Fragic Glossaqualf Toposequence. Geoderma – In Internal Review.

Non-Peer Reviewed Technical Reports:

  1. Rutledge, E.M., M.A. Gross, P.R. Owens. 1996. Septic system filter fields: Stress period loading as a design factor. p. 69-70 In V.L. MacConnell, D.L. Lindbo (eds.) Minimizing impacts, maximizing resource potential. Proceedings of the 11th Annual On-Site Wastewater Treatment Conference, Oct. 16-18, 1996. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. 2.
  2. Owens, P.R., M.A. Gross, E.M. Rutledge, 1996. Response of a septic tank filter field to resting. p. 73-74 In V.L. MacConnell, D.L. Lindbo (eds.) Minimizing impacts, maximizing resource potential. Proceedings of the 11th Annual On-Site Wastewater Treatment Conference, Oct. 16-18, 1996. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
  3. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, S.C. Osier, and M.A. Gross. 1998. Liquefaction features and soil morphology. CD-ROM. Symposium 16, Paper number 1326. 16th World Congress of Soil Science. Montpellier, France.
  4. Gross, M.A., P.R. Owens, N.D. Dennis, A.K. Robinson, and E.M. Rutledge. 1998. Sizing onsite wastewater treatment systems using soil characterization as compared to the percolation test. p. 52-59. In On-Site Sewage Treatment. Proceedings of the Eighth National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems. ASAE. Orlando, FL.
  5. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, M.A. Gross, S.C. Osier, and R.W. McNew. 2000. Redoximorphic features associated with long-term occurrence of free-water in an upland soil. p. 87-97 In On-Site Sewage Treatment. Proceedings of the Ninth National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems. ASAE. St. Joseph MI.
  6. Wilding, L.P., P.R. Owens, and C.M. Woodruff. 2001. Caliche soils as a filter medium for treatment and disposal of wastewater. p. 286-307. In Proceedings of 9th Annual Texas On-site Wastewater Research Council Conference. Waco Texas.
  7. Owens, P.R. 2002. New Policy and Legislation for International Students in the United States. Crop Science - Soil Science - Agronomy News. Page 3-4, Volume 47. No. 6.
  8. Owens. P.R. 2002. Senate Energy Bill to Provide Tax Incentive for Biodiesel. Crop Science - Soil Science - Agronomy News. Page 3 Volume 47. No. 5.
  9. Owens, P.R. and E.M. Rutledge. 2004. Septic drainfield design and maintenance. In SERA 17 Best Management Practices to Reduce P in Watersheds.
  10. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, S.C. Osier, and M.A. Gross. 2004. Response of effluent absorption rates to resting trenches of a serially loaded septic filter field. In On-Site Sewage Treatment. Proceedings of the Tenth National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems. pp. 223-230. ASAE. St. Joseph MI.
  11. Miles, D. M., Owens, P. R., and Sistani, K. R. 2004. Air Emission Standards: Poultry Production and Ammonia. The Poultry Federation: Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma. Annual Poultry Symposium Proceedings, pages 8-11. Springdale, AR. April 27-28, 2004.
  12. Owens, P. R., Miles, D. M., and Rowe, D. E. 2004. Using Geostatistics to Determine Spatial Variability of Nutrients within a Poultry House. Feedinfo News Service. Worldwide Data Systems Ltd. http://www.feedinfo.com. (dated 16 Apr 2004).
  13. Iqbal, J., Phillip R. Owens, H. Tewolde, D. E. Rowe, Bruce Erickson. 2005. Using Multispectral Aerial Imagery to Estimate the Growth of Cotton Fertilized With Poultry Litter  and Inorganic Nitrogen.
  14. Iqbal, J., Phillip R. Owens Ishtiaq Ali Frank D. Whisler. 2005. A Web-Database of Soil Physical Properties for Crop and Environmental Modeling.
  15. Owens, P.R., J. Iqbal and D.M . Miles. 2006. Using Geostatistics to Determine Spatial Variability of Nutrients Within a Poultry House. http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/ssmc/Frames/SSMCnewsletter3_06.pdf
  16. Armstrong, Shalamar, Phillip Owens, Javed Iqbal and Douglas Smith. Spatial Variability of Nutrients in Soils Following Long-Term Poultry Litter Applications. 2006. Site Specific Management Center Newsletter.
  17. Miles, D.M., D. E. Rowe, and P. R. Owens. 2006. Concurrent Measurement of Litter Gas Flux and Nutrients with Air and Litter Properties in Poultry Houses to Improve Emission Estimates. Poultry Science Association Proceedings.
  18. Owens, Phillip, Bob Ahrens, Russ Kelsea, Tom Fenton, Jon Gerken, Dave Hopkins, Bernie Hoyer, Mark Kuzila and Doug Malo. 2006. Future Directions of the Soil Survey – Committee Report.
  19. Schulze, D.G., R.R. Struthers, P.R. Owens, and G.E. Van Scoyoc. 2007. Teaching soil – landscape interactions using rugged tablet PC’s in the field. Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference. Purdue University. April 3-4, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  20. Owens, P., B. Lee and B. Erickson. Web Soil Survey Opens New Options for Utilizing Soils Information. Site-Specific Management Center Newsletter.
  21. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato, B.D. Lee, D.R. Smith, and B.J. Erickson. 2008. Using Terrain Attributes to Develop Management Zones for Potassium Fertility. Site Specific Management Center Newsletter.

Extension Publications: 
  1. Krentz, J., B.D. Lee and P.R. Owens. Swelling clays and septic systems. 2005. RW-3-W.
  2. Lee, B.D., D.P. Franzmeier, P.R. Owens and D. Jones. 2005. Seasonally High Water Tables and Septic Systems. HENV-12.
  3. Lee, B.D., P.R. Owens, L.C. Bowling and B.C. Joern. 2008. Considering soil properties when siting confined animal feeding operations. CAFO-ID 368.
  4. Owens, P.R., B.C. Joern, B.D. Lee and L.C. Bowling. 2008. Using Web Soil Survey to investigate potential confined animal feeding operation locations. CAFO- ID 367.
  5. Bowling, L.C., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee and B.C. Joern. 2008. Watersheds and confined animal feeding operations. CAFO- ID 369.  In Review.
  6. Porter, T., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee and G. Van Scoyoc. 2008. How soil and landform characteristics relate to landslide activity - a review. Soil Survey Horizons. 49:14-18.


  1. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, C.A. Roark, E.P. Mersiovsky, D.C. Wolf, R.W. McNew, and M.A. Gross. 1993. Effluent absorption rates of a serially loaded septic tank filter field. p. 44. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  2. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, D.C. Wolf, M.A. Gross, and R.W. McNew. 1995. Resting of a serially loaded septic tank filter field. P. 343. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  3. Owens, P.R., E.M. Rutledge, M.A. Gross, R.W. McNew, S.C. Osier, and R.I. Goff. 1996. Redoximorphic features associated with free-water occurrence in a Hapludult. P. 269. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  4. Osier, S.C., M.A. Gross, D.A. Wysocki, E.M. Rutledge, P.R. Owens, and A.K. Robinson. 1997. Relict redoximorphic features in a Fragiudult. P. 249. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  5. Drees, L.R., L.P. Wilding, and P.R. Owens. 1998. Impact of mineralogy on sustainable steepland resources in southern Honduras. P. 41. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  6. Osier, S.C., E.M. Rutledge, P.R. Owens, M.A. Gross, and R.W. McNew. 1998. Effluent absorption response to resting of a septic filter field. P. 331 In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  7. Rutledge, E.M., M.A. Gross, H.M. Wilkes, M.A. Steele, and P.R. Owens. 1999. Septic tank renovation under gravity and pressure dosed trenches. P. 275. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  8. Owens, P.R., L.P. Wilding, and L.R. Drees. 1999. Iron metal rods as indicators of oxygen status in soils. P 326. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  9. Owens, P.R., A.E. Peach, D.A. Zueberer, and L.P. Wilding. 1999. Microbiology driven iron reduction in East Texas lignite mine spoils. P. 269. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  10. Mersmann, R.S., L.P. Wilding and P.R. Owens. 2000. Formation of redoximorphic features as related to ferrous iron concentration, pH, and cation exchange capacity in seasonally wet soils on the Texas Coast Prairie. p. 305. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison WI.
  11. Owens, P.R., L.P. Wilding and L.R. Drees. 2000. The determination of platinum electrode quality using three standards. p. 379 In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison WI.
  12. Owens, P.R. L.P. Wilding, and W.L. Miller. 2001. Determination of oxygen concentration in three episaturated soils on the Texas Gulf Coast Prairie. In Agronomy Abstracts, ASA, Madison WI.
  13. Rutledge, E.M., P.R. Owens, and J.V. Brahana. 2002. Soils with relic redoximorphic features in the eastern lowlands of Arkansas. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  14. Owens, P.R., D.E. Rowe, A. Adeli. 2003. The effects of poultry litter application on redox potential in an anerobic soil. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  15. Owens, P. R., Miles, D. M., and Rowe, D. E. 2004. Using geostatistics to determine the variability of nutrient species in a poultry house. Poult. Sci. 83 (supplement 1): in press. (Oral paper presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, GA, January 26-27, 2004.)
  16. Miles, D. M., Owens, P. R., Rowe, D. E., and Branton, S. L. 2004. Litter gaseous flux for broiler chicks at one day of age. Poult. Sci. 83 (supplement 1): in press. (Abstract/Poster presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, GA, January 26-27, 2004.)
  17. Smith, D.R., E.A. Warnemuende and P.R. Owens. 2004. Impact of time to first runoff event on nutrient runoff and greenhouse gas emissions from manure applications. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  18. Adeli, A., J.J. Read. P.R. Owens and D.E. Rowe. 2004. Effects of soil chemical and physical properties on bermudagrass growth response to broiler litter applications. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  19. Miller, W.L and P.R. Owens. 2004. Seasonally saturated soils of the Texas Gulf Coast Prairie, measuring and interpreting episaturation, reducing conditions, redoximorphic features and growing season. In Agronomy Abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
  20. Owens, P.R., D.M. Miles, J. Iqbal and D.E. Rowe. 2005. Spatial Variability of Litter Gas Fluxand Nutrients Within Two Commercial Broiler Houses at the End of the Winter Flock.
  21. Franzmeier, D.P. and P.R. Owens. 2005. Quantitative Evaluation of Soil Texture Estimates. ASA Abstracts, Madison, WI.
  22. Sistani, K. A. Adeli, H. Tewolde, J.B. Brink, J.R. Read and P.R. Owens. 2005. Mineralization of Broiler Litter Nitrogen: Laboratory Incubation and Field Validation.
  23. Iqbal, J. and Phillip R. Owens. 2005. Field-Scale Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral/Multispectral Aerial Imagery. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  24. Dabney, S.M, A. Adeli, P. R. Owens, J. L. Douglas. 2005. Sequestering Manure P and Improving Productivity of Marginal Land with Vegetative Barriers. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  25. Iqbal, J., P. R. Owens, S.M. Brouder, J.A. Thomasson, J. Willers. 2005. Evaluation of AEGIS/Win a Crop Model Interface to Simulate Maize Crop Yield under different Soil input Scenarios. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  26. Owens, P.R., J. Iqbal and D.E. Rowe. 2005. Spatial variability of nutrients in soils following long-term poultry litter applications. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  27. Owens, P.R. and J. Iqbal. 2005. Remote Sensing of Soil Surface Texture, Carbon and Water Contents using Bare Soil Imagery. AGU Annual Meetings. San Francisco, CA. – Invited.
  28. Winzeler, H. P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee, J. Iqbal, and K. Hart. 2006. Soil Spatial Variability on the Wabash End Moraine, Indiana. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  29. Owens, P.R., D. G. Schulze, and G.E. Van Scoyoc. 2006. Utilizing SSURGO Data and GPS on Tablet PC's to Elucidate Geomorphology-Soil Relationships in the Glaciated Portions of Indiana. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  30. Schulze, D.G, R. R. Struthers, P. R. Owens, G. E. Van Scoyoc. 2006. GIS in the Field: Teaching Soil-Landscape Interrelationships Using Rugged Tablet PCs. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  31. Iqbal, J., P.R. Owens, B. D. Lee, H.E. Winzeler. 2006. Apparent Conductivity of an Fragiudalf-Glossaqualf Catena in Loess over Illinoisan Till, Southeastern Indiana. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  32. Schulze, D.G. and P. R. Owens. 2006. Visualizing the Soil Geomorphology of Tippecanoe County, Indiana Using SSURGO Soils Data and a High Resolution Digital Elevation Model. Indiana Academy of Sciences Abstracts. p. 59.
  33. Fuchs, M., P.R. Owens, E. Micheli, W. McFee. 2006. Correlation of Major Soils of Indiana Using Soil Taxonomy and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources. ASA Abstracts. Madison WI.
  34. Sylvester, L., L.C. Bowling, P.R. Owens, B. Cooper and T. West. 2008. Characterization and Analysis of an Isolated Wetland Receiving Agricultural Runoff. Geological Society of America North-Central Meeting. Evansville, IN.
  35. Winzeler, H.E., B.C. Joern, P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee, and J. Camberato. 2007. Potassium Availability and Soil Wetness in a Fragiaqualf catena. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  36. Miles, D.M., Rowe, D.E., Owens, P.R., Moore, P.A., Jr., and Smith, D.R. 2007. Cumulative ammonia quantification from litter with instantaneous flux estimates. Presented at the 2007 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA. Jan. 22-23, 2007. Abstract In International Poultry Scientific Forum Abstracts, page 54. [CD-ROM]. U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. Tucker, GA.
  37. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee, J. Camberato, and B.C. Joern. 2007. Lateral Clay Movement and Soil Wetness in a Fragiaqualf catena. In Annual Meetings Abstracts CDROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  38. Schulze, D., P.R. Owens, G. Van Scoyoc and D. Eisert. 2007. Virtual Profiles-Generating diagrams of soils from written profile descriptions. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  39. Schulze, D.G. and P.R. Owens. 2007. Have Soils in Northwestern Indiana Been Influenced by Post-Glacial Acid Sulfate Weathering? In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CDROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  40. Owens, P.R. and E. Kladivko. 2007. Influence of Tile Drainage on the Perched Seasonal Water Tables in a Clermont Silt Loam Soil. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  41. Libohova, Z, L.B. Bowling, P.R. Owens, P. Schoeneberger, B.D. Lee, and H.E. Winzeler. 2008. The prediction of Soil Moisture Distribution for a small catchment by the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) based on SSURGO soil maps in southern Indiana. AGU Hydrology Days. Denver, CO. March 26-28, 2008.
  42. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, K. Norwood and Z. Libohova. 2008. Terrain Attributes Aid Soil Mapping on Low-Relief Indiana Landscapes. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, Wi.
  43. Libohova, Z., P.R. Owens, P. Schoenberger, B.D. Lee and L. Bowling. 2008. Measured Verses Estimated Hydraulic Conductivity for Some Indiana Soils: Using Pedotransfer Functions Derived from Micromorphology. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  44. Armstrong, S.A., D.R. Smith, P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern and C. Huang. 2008. A Chemical Treatment to Reduct P Sorption From Manure Exposed to Fluvial Sediments. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM].  ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  45. Fuchs, M., P.R. Owens and E. Micheli. 2008. Correlation of Benchmark Soils from Southern Indiana, USA in Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM].  ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  46. Marshall, D., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee and T. Porter. 2008. Using Soil Properties and Terrain Attributes to Determine Landslide Potential in Southern Indiana. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM].  ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Madison, WI.
  47. Owens, P.R., H.E. Winzeler and Z. Libohova. 2008. Incorporating terrain attributes to understand the relationship between hydropedologic processes and landscape pedodiversity. 2008. International Hydropedology Conference, Pennsylvania State University.
  48. Basu, N.B., Rao, P.S.C., Winzeler, H.E. Owens, P.R., Kumar, S., Merwade, V. Maringati, C., and Chaubey, I.C. 2008. Multi-scale Modeling of Water and Chemical Loads in Midwestern Watersheds using the TELM Approach. American Geophysical Union International Conference. 

Purdue University | College of Agriculture | Department of Agronomy