Conducting the Contest       Next Section>>

Contestants are divided into four groups. Each group moves to a site (pit) where they begin evaluation and, after a predetermined time (around 12 to 15 minutes), stop at the sound of a signal. The groups are then allowed time to move on a rotation basis to the next site and start the evaluation process again. Contestants may carry water bottles, slope finders, capability classification tables, and color charts.

Usually three sites are judged for Agriculture and Environment and one for Homesite. At each site, a site monitor supervises the evaluation, makes special announcements as necessary, and collects the scorecards after the allotted time. As soon as the cards are collected, they are taken to the scorers so grading can begin as soon as the first of the four evaluation sessions has been completed.


Fig 48. Dan Kirtley, Extension Educator, Randolph County, grading papers in the bus at the contest.


Chapter 5 Sections

Local Arrangements

Site Selection, Preparation, and Official Evaluation

Conducting the Contest

Grading and Tabulating


People to Contact

Resources Materials

Purdue University
Purdue Agronomy