Grading and Tabulating      Next Section>>

Official scorecards are prepared by the judges. Grading is preferably done in some secluded area away from the other activities of the contest (Fig. 48). This helps to insure accuracy and speed in grading. Tabulating should be done as rapidly as possible. It is desirable to be able to report final scores soon after the evaluation and discussion of the holes is completed. Every effort should be made to have enough personnel available to handle this phase of a contest with speed and accuracy. The scorecards at the back of the manual are set up so the answers can be transferred to a form for electronic grading and tabulation, which will speed up the process.


Fig 49. Official judge Don Franzmeier reads the answers at a critique session, while his grandson, Chip Herendeen, points to the site card (Photo by Gail Herendeen).


Chapter 5 Sections

Local Arrangements

Site Selection, Preparation, and Official Evaluation

Conducting the Contest

Grading and Tabulating


People to Contact

Resources Materials

Purdue University
Purdue Agronomy