In evaluating soils you will determine nine soil properties in the field (Fig. 7). Two of these, landform and slope, are based on the shape of the soil surface. The other seven are soil properties that you will determine by examining a soil pit (Fig. 8). Soil properties include kind of parent material, color of surface soil, amount of erosion, texture of surface soil, texture of subsoil, natural soil drainage, and kind and depth of limiting layer. You will also record how the land is used.

In this section, the nature of each of these nine soil properties is described. Chapter III tells how these properties are used to guide decisions about using the soil for agriculture production while protecting the environment. Chapter IV discusses how the properties relate to homesites.


Fig 7. Contestants line up to enter the soil pit. They make necessary observations in the pit and then take samples to determine color and texture outside the pit. (Photo by Tom Bechman)


Fig 8. Contestants locate zones in the soil profile to determine parent material, natural drainage, subsoil texture, and other soil properties.

Some information important for determining soil properties will be posted on a site card near each soil pit. The card will also state if the soil should be judged for agriculture or homesite. Contestants mark their answers on scorecards. Examples of the site card and scorecards are at the back of this manual.

This chapter provides guidelines for determining soil and landscape properties. This determination involves judgement. Sometimes there is clearly one correct answer, but often contestants must pick the best of two or three possible selections. Once the properties are determined, however, contestants use rules to select practices. Rules given in Chapters III and IV are more specific and should lead to only one correct answer.

Throughout this manual, the sentences or phrases in boxes like this are the guidelines to identify soil properties and the rules to select practices.

Throughout this manual, the sentences or phrases in boxes like this are the guidelines to identify soil properties and the rules to select practices.

Chapter 2 Sections

Parent Materials


Landforms and Their Components




Natural Soil Drainage

Limiting Layer

Current Land Use

Final check

Further Information

Purdue University
Purdue Agronomy